Thursday, September 23, 2010

Forgiveness/ Kshamavani - A Real Stress I too seek forgiveness

Today on Ekadashi Jains will say Michami Dukkdam to all even enemies, those distant, those who have broken relations. Here is why:
Sangharsh of thoughts: Should I or should I not forgive & seek pardon.

Subject: Forgiveness/ Kshamavani - A Real Stress Buster

The most humorous thing about forgiveness is that when people forgive someone,
they think they are doing him a favor. Wake up. It's you that is receiving the
biggest favor. Let me explain: Do you know science has already proven that
harbored resentments, hate, hurt, guilt, etc., cause a depletion in your own
system, often leading to disease and self-anguish. It would frighten people to
know how much their pent-up angers and resentments, guilt are depleting their
systems, causing them the lack of peace they blame others for creating. If you
want peace, fun and zest for living, you have to learn to maintain your mental
and emotional nature the same as a doctor helps to maintain your physical. There
are many tools for doing that but forgiveness is the only tool available always
& free.

For those non-Jains, let's not perceive forgiveness & or begging a pardon as
something just religious or spiritual. Look at it in a business sense - smart
business. In an act of forgiveness it's you that especially come out good
because you release that disease-producing energy from your system. These
energies produce hormones that toxify your mental, emotional and physical
system. Forgiveness is just a process of re-balancing your internal energy
distortions to recreate a harmonious flow between yourself and others. The trick
is you have to forgive from the "heart". A common mistake is when people try to
forgive from the "head", then find that the same resentments keep popping up
over and over again. People think they have forgiven others and realize later
that they resent even more. It doesn't mean that you are bad when this happens,
it's just a matter of learning more about your system and, especially, the
difference between the heart and the head. The heart forgives; the head makes
empty promises that do not reach completion. Completion is seriously important
because if you leave a crack in the door, negative thoughts and emotions can
blow it off the hinges. Heart intelligence clearly helps you to understand that
forgiveness and seeking pardon are especially for your own mental and emotional

One would persue anything for own benefit. I'm not implying that forgiveness
doesn't benefit the other person but you are the primary beneficiary when you
forgive someone. And if you realize this then you will have more incentive to
complete the act of forgiveness at the heart level & this will benefit the other
person too as it causes relief in other person too who is most often your own
near & dear one. Then, everyone wins! It's okay to forgive someone for
self-benefits because you have to love and respect your own energies before you
are truly effective in facilitating someone else's needs. The prime message is
that forgiveness is not some little churchy act you put on to do someone else a
favor. It's both parties that receive an increase in their energy bank account.

Forgiving and forgetting the old hurts and hate & guilt from your system is like
taking a mental and emotional Ganga bath. You bath regularly your body but
forget to bath soul/conscience & store negative toxic junk in your mental and
emotional psyche for years without a clean up. Trust me, it taxes your system.
It's really the mental and emotional bath you need daily. That's where your
happiness and quality of life are registered.

Yet another humorous situation is that while you are still poisoning your own
system & doing damage to yourself the people you hate or resent don't even know
about it. It's especially you that you are punishing. Again, I'm not talking
religion, I am not talking Jainism I'm talking business - the business of your
own self-health - "streetsense!" It's about preventative maintenance that can
keep the doctor bills down and keep your happiness and fun up. Be careful of
falling in the trap of justified hate because it's really you that's taking the
lashing. If it sounds like I'm overly intent on this one point, it may be you
that needs to hear it one more time so that you might just hear it for the first

Once you really hear it from the heart, here is how you can do yourself a favor,
a big one: List all the people, organizations, issues or anything you hold hate
and resentments against. Then make a serious effort from the heart to release
those negative frequencies from your system and replace it with heart
intelligence. Heart intelligence would ask you, why drain your life and junk up
your system just because someone else is out to phase out his own life? It may
be hard for you to put out love for someone who has offended you but you can
sure "smarten up" and at least release yourself from the negative feedback loop
created when resenting others and yourself. Forgiveness is a featured aspect of
self-management, yet self-management is not featured in most people's day-to-day
agenda. I'm well aware that some situations are deeply rooted with hurt and pain
caused by others. Still for the sake of your own health and the people around
you, it's worth going deeper in the heart and finally releasing that negative
junk. I know this would sound disgusting but there is no more choice. Of course
in some cases you can create an environment & sit down & tell the other person
that you justifiably feel hurt & that he should desist in mutual benefit from
repeating the mistake. However the trick is not to expect him to change but
definitely give him one fair chance to improve by pardoning once. If this
content sparks any "make-sense" within you and you decide to consider forgiving
more and suffering less, then do it from the heart! The heart is where you will
tap the power of care. It's the care that is missing in people's efforts of good
intentions. Care is love in different degrees and potencies. Turn on the shower
in your heart and rain love. Send heart and love energy into the world if you
really want to play an effective part in cleaning up the planetary stress-mess.

Last but not least don't forget self-forgiveness as self-punishment defies
intelligence and especially common sense. Your heart truth would know that
self-punishment can cause more harm to you than the wrong you did. Forget
self-punishment, pick up the pieces, forgive yourself and move on from there.
However very critical point to be noted hear is that you should not repeat such
serious mistakes which caused you feel so much guilty otherwise there is no use
of forgiveness.

Self-forgiveness followed by strict self restraint, discipline, caution,
vigilance brings your mental and emotional energy systems back into balance or
else either you fall sick with guilt biting you from within every minute of the
day or you become shameless hardcore criminal / offender doing the same
offending act again & again. Do yourself favor folks, ease up on yourself. If
you have something eating on you inside, then talk it out, work it out, release
it & improve & change yourself. Just get it out because it's like an energy
vampire guaranteed to drain daily a percentage of your life's enjoyment

Forgiveness has been around for quite awhile & some have been practicing too.
However, you can know it in your "head" for years but the knowledge doesn't turn
into wisdom until you have heard and applied it from the heart. Play with it for
awhile and you can secretly realize that much of the stress you have been
experiencing could have easily been avoided. It was just a matter of listening
to and following what you already know. It's actually fun to start experiencing
the power of your own self-management that leads to self-empowerment as you are
then more refined, more alive, more spotless, more attuned & great listener of
your heart. The true kshmavani can brighten up your life even more than a smile.
Why? Because many times smiles are used to cover up what's not cleaned up.

So go ahead, all out give up what suffocates you & your life & forgive & forget
self & others. Have fun with it.

So here, I offer hardik kshama( Pardon) to all & expect the same from you the lion

Compiled by Alok Tholiya

N.B.: Person repeating mistake consciously does not deserve any forgiveness &
should be dealt with suitably.


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