Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An excellent and a touching amil may help in saving many marriages.....


 She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?
 I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and
 shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She
 was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Dew. I
 didn't love her anymore. I just pitied her!
 With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she
 could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.
 She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years
 of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time,
 resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Dew so
 dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to
 see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had
 obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.
 The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the
 table. I didn't have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast
 because I was tired after an eventful day with Dew.
 When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so
 I turned over and was asleep again.
 In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything
 from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce.
 She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as
 possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month's time and
 she didn't want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.
 This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how
 I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.
 She requested that everyday for the month's duration I carry her out of our
 bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to
 make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.
 I told Dew about my wife's divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and thought
 it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce,
 she said scornfully.
 My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was
 explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both
 appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms.

 His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then
 to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes
 and said softly; don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat
 upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I
 drove alone to the office.
 On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I
 could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn't looked at this
 woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There
 were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was greying! Our marriage had taken its
 toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.
 On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning.
 This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.
 On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing
 again. I didn't tell Dew about this. It became easier to carry her as the month
 slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.
 She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but
 could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, "all my dresses have grown
 bigger. "I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why
 I could carry her more easily.
 Suddenly it hit me... she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart.
 Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.
 Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it's time to carry mum out. To him,
 seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his
 life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned
 my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I
 then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to
 the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body
 tightly; it was just like our wedding day.
 But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my
 arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly
 and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.
 I drove to office.... jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I
 was afraid any delay would make me change my mind.... I walked upstairs. Dew
 opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Dew, I do not want the divorce anymore.
 She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever?
 She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Dew, I said, I won't divorce. My
 marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of
 our lives, not because we didn't love each other any more. Now I realize that
 since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her
 until death do us apart.
 Dew seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door  and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.
 At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The
 salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I'll carry you
 out every morning until death do us apart.
 That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I ran up
 stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead.......I cried and cried
 uncontrollably and carried her for the last time from the room to the hall with
 tears streaming down my face and gazing at my only son, his tears rolling from
 his eyes, they made me cry even more. I had lost my love, my wife and a loving
 and caring mother and nothing I could do now to  put the clock backward.. I had
 all the time now to look at her motionless body in detail but I knew it was going
 to be only for a short while until she made her last journey to the Lord.....I
 held my son and wept again and again thinking of all the things I did not do for
 her when she was still alive and placed gently the flowers in her hands
 with my tears trickling on them.......she was gone forever, all my tears would
 not bring her back.
 The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is
 not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank, blah..blah.. blah.
 These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in
 themselves. So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things
 for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!
 If you don't share this, nothing will happen to you.  
 If you do, you might just save a marriage.  
  Moral of the story is to value all the things we possess, once they are gone we have nothing but regrets!

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
M: 9324225699/ 9819733057

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Friday, May 21, 2010

I'll trust God to unfold the moments,

GOD'S Rosebud 

A new minister was walking with an older, 
more seasoned minister in the garden one day. 

Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice.
The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing off any petals.

The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do 
with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry. 

But because of his great respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to try to unfold the rose, while keeping every petal intact.
It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do. 

Noticing the younger preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older preacher began to recite the following poem.... 


"It is only a tiny rosebud, 
A flower of God's design; 

But I cannot unfold the petals 
With these clumsy hands of mine." 

"The secret of unfolding flowers 
Is not known to such as I. 
GOD opens this flower so easily, 
But in my hands they die." 

"If I cannot unfold a rosebud, 
This flower of God's design, 
Then how can I have the wisdom 
To unfold this life of mine?" 

"So I'll trust in God for leading 
Each moment of my day. 

I will look to God for guidance 

In each step of the way." 


"The path that lies before me, 
Only my Lord knows. 

I'll trust God to unfold the moments, 
Just as He unfolds the rose." 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Some succeed because they they do something differant."

The Quality Work In Any Grade Or Profile Works Itself And Can Be A Chance For Opening Of New Destiny.

The Leadership of Small Things

One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the
lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the rain, the
couple approached the front desk hoping to get some shelter for the
night."Could you possibly give us a room here?" the husband asked.

The clerk, a friendly manwith a winning smile, looked at the couple and
explained that there were three conventions in town."All of our rooms are
taken," the clerk said. "But I can't send a nice couple like you out into
the rain at one o'clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to
sleep in my room? It's not exactly a suite, but it will be good enough to
make you folks comfortable for the night."

When the couple declined, the young man pressed on. "Don't worry about me;
I'll make out just fine," the clerk told them. So the couple agreed. As he
paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, "You are
the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United
States. Maybe someday I'll build one for you."The clerk looked at them and
smiled. The three of them had a good laugh.

As they drove away, the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk was
indeed exceptional, as finding people who are both friendly and helpful
isn't easy.

Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he
received a letterfrom the old man. It recalled that stormy night and
enclosed a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay them
a visit.

The old man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of Fifth
Avenueand 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new building there, a
palace of reddish stone, with turrets and watchtowers thrusting up to the
sky."That," said the older man, "is the hotel I have just built for you to

"You must be joking," the young man said."I can assure you I am not," said
the older man, a sly smile playing around his mouth. The older man's name
was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent structure was theoriginal
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.The young clerk who became its first manager was
George C. Boldt. This young clerk never foresaw the turn of events that
would lead him to become the manager of one of the world's most glamorous

"Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they do something differant."

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
M: 9324225699/ 9819733057

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Monday, May 3, 2010

stop mad chase...U may already be there....

 This one makes so much sense...


A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.


A tourist complimented the local fishermen

on the quality of their fish and asked

how long it took him to catch them.


"Not very long." they answered in unison.


"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"


The fishermen explained that their small catches were

sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.


"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"


"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children,

and take siestas (afternoon naps).

In the evenings, we go into the village to enjoy with our friends


We have a full life."


The tourist interrupted,


"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!

You should start by fishing longer every day.

You can then sell the extra fish you catch.

With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."


"And after that?"


"With the extra money the larger boat will bring,

you can buy a second one and a third one

and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers.

Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,

you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants

and maybe even open your own plant.


You can then leave this little village and move to   Mexico City , Los Angeles , or even   New York City !


From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."


"How long would that take?"  


"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years." replied the tourist.  


"And after that?"  


"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"    


"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fishermen.


"After that you'll be able to retire,

live in a tiny village near the coast,

sleep late, play with your children,

catch a few fish, take a siesta (afternoon naps) ,

and spend your evenings enjoying your friends."  


"With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what we are doing now. So what's the point wasting twenty-five years?" asked the Mexicans.


 Know where you're going in life....  

you may already be there


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
M: 9324225699/ 9819733057

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